Monday, April 11, 2011

Birthdays vs. Death

Somber title for today, but that's how I'm feeling. Caught in the middle of these two words and not sure how my emotions are supposed to be right now. My precious daughter will be 4 years old tomorrow, but my beloved little cat who has been my friend long before I met my spouse died on Friday. Now I know what your thinking. Getting this upset over a cat is insane, but my true sadness comes through realizing how quickly life comes and goes.

I suppose I never properly grieved the loss of my father when he died a couple years ago from cancer. Just like when my grandmother died, I tend to focus on something else to quickly brush over the pain. I never sat and cried. I never thought over memories. We never even had a traditional memorial service. It was like one day he was here and the next he was gone.

This time with the cat, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. My daughter's birthday party was scheduled for the following day. We had plans for a bounce house and a dozen children playing in our backyard. Meanwhile hubby dug a grave in the corner of our yard as my older boys watched in disbelief. My one son even asked,"What happens if we move? Do we have to dig Lexi back up and take her with us?"

The birthday princess could not have been any happier with her magical party! All of her favorite friends came to celebrate her birth. It helped me to not focus so much on the loss, but to think about celebrating each precious day we are given to live. Life is about experience, sharing, growing, and learning. Although losing a loved one can make our life journey difficult, it is there to make us stronger.


  1. Losing pets is so hard....I was in shock for days when my cat Gypsy died. Of course his death was a tragic accident but so hard for me to handle. Grieving is good for you, it's a release the mind and body needs. Don't think you are weak for grieving over something or someone loved and then lost. *hugs*
