I suppose life wouldn't be exciting without a little contrast here and there. Learning to balance my goals along side of raising four children has become quite challenging lately. I am actually wondering if it's time to set aside some of my activities and develop more of a focus on my children. Obviously they are my first priority, but I do look forward to my personal time which I enjoy spending on my fitness career. It just seems like the more I excel in my accomplishments, the more my boys are slacking off in their studies at school. As a parent, this hits me like a gut punch. I take it very personally since much of their grade has been based on missing homework assignments.
My worries began a few weeks ago when my son's teacher called me in for an unexpected conference. She explained he has the potential to be such a great student, but he needs work focusing on his organization skills. My husband and I both came together as a team and have worked feverishly these past few weeks to get him back on track. Now that all is calm, I get an email from my other son's teacher asking me to join her for a conference today! I can only imagine we are in for a replay!
Next year I will have 3 children in 3 different schools as my daughter attends preschool, my middle son remains in elementary, and my oldest ventures off into middle school. I panic even thinking of how my time management will have to be redistributed. The stress of it all falls back into my lap. As a mother do I need to set aside more time working with them side by side? I am only working part time, but it makes me feel so guilty.
Oh the woes of parenthood! Just think, they are not all in school yet! I still have a baby in diapers and the high school years are not even in sight yet. Don't get me wrong, I will always be proud of all my kids. I think we could all use this summer break to develop a structured schedule that will enable us to achieve our goals as a family.
Fitness, Motherhood, & Other Fun Discoveries
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
I realize it is time to pick up my older boys from school due to half day Wednesdays issued by the school. The baby is super tired, but has no choice but to come along for the ride. I'm casually wearing flip flops, a swimsuit, and transparent coverup. All of a sudden I get a phone call from my eldest son's teacher asking me to park up and come inside for a short parent teacher conference. My eyes widen at the thought of meeting up with her in my muu-muu plus a carload of fussy tots. I reluctantly agree and race to get into the school. Out of now where, the baby vomits everywhere. Not once, not twice, but four times! I'm now sweaty and covered in curdled milk!
We eventually make it through the 5th grade classroom door where I am greeted by the teacher who looks even more shocked to see I have 4 children. She immediately tells me what a talented young man I have in a son, but he seems a bit lost sometimes and has trouble organizing his work. I try to stay focused as my daughter is holding herself whispering in my ear,"I gotta go wee wee!" The baby is squirming all over at this point whining. It is moments like this when you pray for the Earth to open up and swallow you! As the teacher continues, I can't help but think she must be observing my circumstances and comparing me with my son!
Eventually it all comes to an end and we leave with a better understanding of each other. Although my son felt embarrassed he knows no matter what I will always be by his side. I may juggle 4 children and a fitness career, but it's moments like these that make me who I am!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Birthdays vs. Death
Somber title for today, but that's how I'm feeling. Caught in the middle of these two words and not sure how my emotions are supposed to be right now. My precious daughter will be 4 years old tomorrow, but my beloved little cat who has been my friend long before I met my spouse died on Friday. Now I know what your thinking. Getting this upset over a cat is insane, but my true sadness comes through realizing how quickly life comes and goes.
I suppose I never properly grieved the loss of my father when he died a couple years ago from cancer. Just like when my grandmother died, I tend to focus on something else to quickly brush over the pain. I never sat and cried. I never thought over memories. We never even had a traditional memorial service. It was like one day he was here and the next he was gone.
This time with the cat, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. My daughter's birthday party was scheduled for the following day. We had plans for a bounce house and a dozen children playing in our backyard. Meanwhile hubby dug a grave in the corner of our yard as my older boys watched in disbelief. My one son even asked,"What happens if we move? Do we have to dig Lexi back up and take her with us?"
The birthday princess could not have been any happier with her magical party! All of her favorite friends came to celebrate her birth. It helped me to not focus so much on the loss, but to think about celebrating each precious day we are given to live. Life is about experience, sharing, growing, and learning. Although losing a loved one can make our life journey difficult, it is there to make us stronger.
I suppose I never properly grieved the loss of my father when he died a couple years ago from cancer. Just like when my grandmother died, I tend to focus on something else to quickly brush over the pain. I never sat and cried. I never thought over memories. We never even had a traditional memorial service. It was like one day he was here and the next he was gone.
This time with the cat, it couldn't have happened at a worse time. My daughter's birthday party was scheduled for the following day. We had plans for a bounce house and a dozen children playing in our backyard. Meanwhile hubby dug a grave in the corner of our yard as my older boys watched in disbelief. My one son even asked,"What happens if we move? Do we have to dig Lexi back up and take her with us?"
The birthday princess could not have been any happier with her magical party! All of her favorite friends came to celebrate her birth. It helped me to not focus so much on the loss, but to think about celebrating each precious day we are given to live. Life is about experience, sharing, growing, and learning. Although losing a loved one can make our life journey difficult, it is there to make us stronger.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Been awhile...
It's been awhile since my last blog and I will let you know why. I let others mindless talk break me down into an insecure school girl. All the preaching I do to my kids about not allowing others to destroy your dreams, well I fell into the pothole and sank. Normally I don't allow myself to fall for others judgements, but since these individuals were my friends since childhood, it made it a very hurtful experience. Not to dwell too much on the negative, I simply had to step away from myself and re-evaluate who I am and what I stand for.
At first I took this time seriously, pondering over the nasty gossip. I wondered what I had done to upset these ladies. Then I made a connection with others who seemed to be dealing with similar issues. One of my talented fitness friends shared with me how she was judged for posting yoga poses on her Facebook page. Another friend described to me how catty others can be, especially when you are feeling happy & successful. I stepped away with a deeper understanding of my situation. I saw things clearly at that moment.
People can look at a house and see it in mint condition. They don't stop to think about the hard work it takes to upkeep and all the labor that went behind constructing that home. To some, that house is pretty darn fabulous. To others, that home is not their style or ideal location. Yes, the house appears to be well maintained, but does anyone care to really know what goes on inside? It is easy to cast stones at the windows and try to break it down, but the love inside that house will keep it strong. That simple house can weather any storm because it has a great family who relies on it for generations to come.
Just another bump in that road we call life. My feelings were hurt, but it has taught me a valuable lesson. Not everyone will be pleased with me all the time, but as long as I can be proud of my own accomplishments at the end of the day, then success is mine.
At first I took this time seriously, pondering over the nasty gossip. I wondered what I had done to upset these ladies. Then I made a connection with others who seemed to be dealing with similar issues. One of my talented fitness friends shared with me how she was judged for posting yoga poses on her Facebook page. Another friend described to me how catty others can be, especially when you are feeling happy & successful. I stepped away with a deeper understanding of my situation. I saw things clearly at that moment.
People can look at a house and see it in mint condition. They don't stop to think about the hard work it takes to upkeep and all the labor that went behind constructing that home. To some, that house is pretty darn fabulous. To others, that home is not their style or ideal location. Yes, the house appears to be well maintained, but does anyone care to really know what goes on inside? It is easy to cast stones at the windows and try to break it down, but the love inside that house will keep it strong. That simple house can weather any storm because it has a great family who relies on it for generations to come.
Just another bump in that road we call life. My feelings were hurt, but it has taught me a valuable lesson. Not everyone will be pleased with me all the time, but as long as I can be proud of my own accomplishments at the end of the day, then success is mine.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Dragging Lately
I'd love to write that my life is at an all time emotional high, but that wouldn't be accurate. Truth be told, I'm feeling a little bummed out. Physically I'm shattered from my recent bout of extreme exercise, the kids attitudes are wearing me down, and some of my friendships have me rethinking my own actions and others interpretations. So like the millions of you out there, I'm stressed out.
The kids lead the way in raising my blood pressure to an all time high. My tween boys are ever so sassy and have me shifting my already tight schedule to accommodate a karate tournament this weekend. Although I see an increase in their grades lately, I received a note home from the teacher today that my son's focus seems to be on girls. How do I even confront this topic being that I was once in his shoes at that same age? Anyhow, we are dealing with it the best way our family sees fit. Lucky for him, I have inherited my dad's low key approach to many situations.
Yes, even at my age I am still dealing with friend issues. Lately I've been feeling like I'm repeating 9th grade over again. The emotions are similar and my feelings still get hurt the same, but as a woman I can actually learn from it all. Instead of running to others for advice, I can actually hear the dilemma, think about a solution, and make a plan on how to move on. Thankfully the issues have no right or wrong answer, but I know in order to be a better friend I need to listen and understand another prospective.
I hope I get my energetic personality back soon. A busy over scheduled weekend still lays ahead. Like the weather outside which is currently raining with intense strikes of lightening, tomorrow will bring about a whole new day filled with sunshine!
The kids lead the way in raising my blood pressure to an all time high. My tween boys are ever so sassy and have me shifting my already tight schedule to accommodate a karate tournament this weekend. Although I see an increase in their grades lately, I received a note home from the teacher today that my son's focus seems to be on girls. How do I even confront this topic being that I was once in his shoes at that same age? Anyhow, we are dealing with it the best way our family sees fit. Lucky for him, I have inherited my dad's low key approach to many situations.
Yes, even at my age I am still dealing with friend issues. Lately I've been feeling like I'm repeating 9th grade over again. The emotions are similar and my feelings still get hurt the same, but as a woman I can actually learn from it all. Instead of running to others for advice, I can actually hear the dilemma, think about a solution, and make a plan on how to move on. Thankfully the issues have no right or wrong answer, but I know in order to be a better friend I need to listen and understand another prospective.
I hope I get my energetic personality back soon. A busy over scheduled weekend still lays ahead. Like the weather outside which is currently raining with intense strikes of lightening, tomorrow will bring about a whole new day filled with sunshine!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Purely Inspired!
Today I spent my day enjoying the company of some of Orlando's most talented fitness instructors at the Les Mills Quarterly Workshop. Basically it was a menu of featured fitness classes and some helpful workshops allowing us to better our techniques. The main stage was filled with close to 800 men and women who jammed the day away to popular choreographed routines with the courtesy of a DJ, lighting operators, and accommodating hotel staff.
As I arrived, I was a little intimidated and unsure of what to expect since this was my first year attending this yearly event. Quickly I saw hundreds of other instructors and hoped I would fit in. The first thing I noticed was how friendly everybody was. It felt great running into old acquaintances and catching up on their new accomplishments. I realized what a talented group of people they all are. Every single person had a story behind their fitness. Some arrived at this career after battling weight loss, others found comfort after losing a loved one, and one friend, who I found to be such an inspiration even overcame a cancer diagnosis. Just to know these people humbles me completely.
One important lesson I walked away with and I wish for so many other women to understand this the way I now do, is that fitness comes in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, and backgrounds. There is no cookie cutter image of a fitness instructor. The goal is not 'thin', the goal is 'universal health'. We do not aspire to create a nation of size 0's. We all have a similar goal in learning to encourage, motivate, and connect with our members. From this day forward I am truly moved to take what I have learned both, technical & emotional, and put that into my everyday life. I am rejuvenated and purely inspired by all!
As I arrived, I was a little intimidated and unsure of what to expect since this was my first year attending this yearly event. Quickly I saw hundreds of other instructors and hoped I would fit in. The first thing I noticed was how friendly everybody was. It felt great running into old acquaintances and catching up on their new accomplishments. I realized what a talented group of people they all are. Every single person had a story behind their fitness. Some arrived at this career after battling weight loss, others found comfort after losing a loved one, and one friend, who I found to be such an inspiration even overcame a cancer diagnosis. Just to know these people humbles me completely.
One important lesson I walked away with and I wish for so many other women to understand this the way I now do, is that fitness comes in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes, and backgrounds. There is no cookie cutter image of a fitness instructor. The goal is not 'thin', the goal is 'universal health'. We do not aspire to create a nation of size 0's. We all have a similar goal in learning to encourage, motivate, and connect with our members. From this day forward I am truly moved to take what I have learned both, technical & emotional, and put that into my everyday life. I am rejuvenated and purely inspired by all!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
OMG!!! Get me out of here!
Today was a crazy day in case the title didn't imply that already! I am so looking forward to escaping tomorrow. To think, I actually pondered the thought not attending the Les Mills Quarterly Workshop which consists of 11 hours of extreme aerobics. After today, that is going to seem like a day of meditation. That's primarily the focus of my fitness schedule, to relieve stress.
Back to today, though. My day started off completely unscheduled. I awoke and leisurely sipped my energy drink, hovering over the late night events I missed on Facebook. Eventually I hopped onto the elliptical machine intently following the dramatic saga of Charlie Sheen featured on the Today Show. At that exact moment, my day fell apart! My sons ran in reminding me that today was the last day to sign up for the Tai Kwan Do Tournament. Not only did I need to drive them to to a rehearsal by 9am, but I also needed to drop some pretty hefty money that I had been saving for a rainy day. After showering, brushing my teeth, and dressing almost simultaneously, hubby and I prepped all 4 kids and away we went. The start of our day had now begun! After signing up 3 kids for this tournament (yes, I got talked into adding the toddler) we sat through what seemed like hours of 'kibon's'.
Luck struck, as the boys left to hang out at a friends house for the day and hubby and I were left on a mini date chaperoned by toddlers. We enjoyed a quick lunch, followed by a walk through some local shops, where we ended up spending even more money on little trinkets for the kids and I slipped in another pair of cycling shorts!
Soon enough we were home, the boys returned, and the noise level raised a few hundred octaves. Dinner hour is the most stressful part of my day. I wish I could run and hide, but like hungry wolves, I am their prey. So here I am, writing my blog in the remote area of my home. Looking forward to the events of tomorrow. No longer will I feel guilty about taking my fitness career to a higher level, I will grow from this experience, and therefore those I teach will benefit. The kids will enjoy time with daddy and mommy will return to them rejuvenated again!
Back to today, though. My day started off completely unscheduled. I awoke and leisurely sipped my energy drink, hovering over the late night events I missed on Facebook. Eventually I hopped onto the elliptical machine intently following the dramatic saga of Charlie Sheen featured on the Today Show. At that exact moment, my day fell apart! My sons ran in reminding me that today was the last day to sign up for the Tai Kwan Do Tournament. Not only did I need to drive them to to a rehearsal by 9am, but I also needed to drop some pretty hefty money that I had been saving for a rainy day. After showering, brushing my teeth, and dressing almost simultaneously, hubby and I prepped all 4 kids and away we went. The start of our day had now begun! After signing up 3 kids for this tournament (yes, I got talked into adding the toddler) we sat through what seemed like hours of 'kibon's'.
Luck struck, as the boys left to hang out at a friends house for the day and hubby and I were left on a mini date chaperoned by toddlers. We enjoyed a quick lunch, followed by a walk through some local shops, where we ended up spending even more money on little trinkets for the kids and I slipped in another pair of cycling shorts!

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